November 4, 2016
We have been busy learning in 4th grade!
Math: We are now learning how to multiply a two digit number by a two digit number. We are using area models and place value arrays. The students will be rounding to estimate. We will continue to do partial products and use the distributive property.
Religion: We are now learning about vocations and missions. The children have been discussing what God may be calling them to do. Father Chris came to talk to our classes about vocations. The students learned about how he was called to become a priest. Students enjoyed asking questions. We are looking forward to visiting with him again. We will also be studying the Books of the Bible. The students will be looking up Scripture in the Bible.
Technology: The students have been using the computer lab and the ipads to do research on The Grand Canyon and The Arches. We will be hanging their completed projects in the hall November 13 for Geography Awareness week. Each grade level will tour the building to learn more about our national parks.
Reading: We are finishing the theme about Coming to America. The students made many connections to what they were learning about the Northeast Region in Social Studies. The next unit is called Thinking Like a Scientist. The students will be able to make connections with what they have studied in Science.
Writing: The students enjoyed writing their Fantasy stories. We went to the computer lab to make a title page for their stories. Now they are working on using descriptive words and making sure their Mystery story has a beginning, middle, and end.
Social Studies: The students just completed the Northeast region. The students are enjoying learning the state capitals by listening to music videos. We will be studying the Southeast region next.
Science: The students have been busy doing experiments and observations. They have taken soil samples, studied rocks, and acid rain. They will be taking a test soon.
Have a good week!
Mrs. Duer